Monday, April 29, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 117

Day 117 Day 117...A day at the innaugeral Kannapolis Kaleidoscope Arts Festival

Day 116

Day 115 Day 116...This is funny! I think she is digusted

Day 115

Day 115 Day 115...urban minimalist

Day 114

Day 114 Day 114...Lonesome pinecone in the forest

Day 113

Day 113 Day 113...More North Carolina spring blooms. Dogwood flowers

Day 112

Day 112 Day 112...Monday and back to the ballfield

Day 111

Day 111 Day 111...A busy weeekend and a bathroom upfit. New paint color!

Day 110

Day 110 Day 110...Just had an old friend repaired and brought back into the family

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 109

Day 109 Day 109...Another typical Friday on I-85N. A long week and still going

Day 108

Day 108 Day 108...On my daily lunch time walkabout I spied this sweet old Ford. The owner happened to be standing near by and asked if I'd shoot his photo beside his ride. Turned out to be a nice shot!

Day 107

Day  107 Day 107... Another day another softball game. I've been shooting at evry game I attend. Searching for new angles!

Day 106

Day 106 Day 106...Another day at the ball field. Three games this week for the Lady Wonders

Day 105

Day 105 Day 105...With the nice warm spring days we finally been getting there has been many flower shot opportunities.

Day 104

Day 104 Day 104...Another day of first, this time a bridal shoot for a friend at a nice farm location in Lexington, NC. Pics to be seen after the big day!

Day 103

Day 103 Day 103...A long but fulfilling day...yardwork, preparing Kalista for her first prom (thanks Amber!), photoshoots sharply dressed promgoers, and a beautiful Saturday night sit down on the patio. Cheers

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 98

Day 98 Day 98...Monday soccer day. I played soccer all through my youth and teenage years. Trying to shoot it and get interesting quality images is not as easy as it seems. Getting better but still along way to go!

Day 97

Day 97 Day 97...Took a walk at a local park I've never been to and found some interesting sites. I'm really liking the shadows and thick black trees on this one.

Day 96

Day 96 Day 96...Saturday evening photo shoot with my love and the wonderful blooming cherry trees in Kannapolis.

Day 95

Day 95 Day 94...Friday night and glad to be at home allowed time for some strobist play and learning some more LIGHT

Day 94

Day 94 Day 94...A cold, rainy day and working late didn't leave much motivation to shoot, but once I made myself get out I found myself wishing I had more time to stroll in the rain.

Day 93

Day 93 Day 93...Apparently you can never have too many buddhas in your life

Day 92

Day 92 Day 92...Its been another long week with a variety of shooting. The first real SPRING feeling weekend! This left me wore out at the end of the day with no desire to sit at the computer and post pics. Enjoi